The launch of the first aid training course for students of human medicine at the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences at the university

The launch of the first aid training course for students of human medicine at the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences at the university
University media
The College of Medicine and Health Sciences at the Emirates International University, in cooperation with the Yemen Red Crescent Society, has launched a training course in first aid for students of the Department of Human Medicine, levels three and four, which will last for 3 days. Topics covered in the course include: rapid examination of the injured, cardiopulmonary resuscitation, airway obstruction, suffocation and other topics that will be included in the course such as mass injuries and pediatric emergencies. The course aims to raise the students’ efficiency to perform first aid tasks and volunteer work, and to enhance basic first aid skills, during which students will learn how to perform emergency first aid. The course also includes everything related to first aid that will serve the community. 90 male and female students from the Department of Human Medicine at the College of Medicine and Health Sciences participate in this course. The participating students were divided into three groups, each group led by 2 trainers in three separate halls.