Student Affairs System University's president After perusal of the Presidential Decree regarding Universities, Higher Institutes and Private Colleges No. (13) of 2005 and its executive regulations. And Republican Decree No. (140) for the year 2007 AD regarding the executive regulations of the law of universities, higher institutes and private colleges. And the decision of the Prime Minister regarding the system of student affairs in Yemeni universities and in accordance with the university’s statute, and the regulations and regulations in force at the university. And based on the approval of the Board of Trustees and the University Council. When required by the interests of the work. he decided Article (1) This system is called the Student Affairs System for granting the first university degree (Bachelor - Bachelor). Article (2) This system is applied to regular and registered university students to obtain a bachelor's degree. Article (3) The following words and phrases shall have the meanings assigned to them, unless the context indicates otherwise: University: Emirates International University. University President: President of Emirates International University Dean: The Dean of the College. Department: The specialized academic department. The Council: The competent academic council of the college. Department of Admission and Registration: Department of Admission and Registration at Emirates International University Article (4) The academic departments determine the compulsory and optional requirements for the program, in accordance with the requirements of the academic accreditation standards. In general, the focus should be on the Arabic and English languages in writing, reading, speaking, mathematics, the arts, the skill of using modern technologies, and social courses, in addition to the description and objectives of each course separately, the number of credit hours and the location of its teaching. in the student's study plan. Article (5) A- A description of the objectives and contents of each course is given to match the number of credit hours allocated to it. B- The courses mentioned in the study plan are classified into four ascending levels. C- Prerequisites or simultaneous requirements for each course are specified. D- The number of theoretical and practical hours and the number of credit hours shall be mentioned for each course. E- A student may not study any course before studying its previous requirement, if it exists. In the event that this occurs, the Department of Admission and Registration cancels his registration in the course and informs the concerned authorities, and it is permissible with the approval of the Dean of the College and the concerned College Council and upon the recommendation of the competent academic branch, if any, based on the The academic advisor should suggest that he study the course and its previous requirement in the same semester if the student’s graduation depends on it, or if the student has studied the previous requirement and did not succeed in it. F- Each course is given a symbol that symbolizes the department or branch, the level, the field of knowledge, and the course sequence. Article (6) A- Each department or branch presents an indicative plan divided into eight semesters or more, as required by the study plan for the major. b- All compulsory courses are offered in the plan at least once in each academic year. C- All elective courses are offered in the plan at least once every four semesters. Article (7) First: The minimum and maximum requirements for obtaining a bachelor’s degree in the college: a- The minimum period for a student to study to obtain a bachelor’s degree at the college is seven regular semesters, including summer semesters. B - The minimum period of study for a student transferred from another university institution to obtain a bachelor’s degree is four regular semesters. C- The period a student spends studying to obtain a bachelor’s degree at the college may not exceed twelve semesters, and the college council may extend it for special circumstances. d- Suspension of registration and withdrawal without failure are not included in the calculation of this period. c- A semester is counted as 15 credit hours for the student in his study plan after transferring from other universities. h- Every three summer semesters are counted as a regular semester. Second: The minimum and maximum academic load: A- The student’s academic load in one semester ranges between (12) credit hours as a minimum, and (18) credit hours as a maximum. B - In special cases decided by the department head and approved by the college dean, the minimum study load may be reduced to (9) credit hours, based on the proposal of the head of the scientific branch and after taking the opinion of the academic advisor. C- A student is allowed to register for a maximum of (21) credit hours in the following cases: 1. If he/she has obtained a cumulative average of no less than (3.5) points in his last semester. 2. If this will lead to his graduation in the same semester. 3. If this will lead to his graduation in the next semester, and the compulsory courses in which the student will be registered in the relevant semester are not likely to be offered in the next semester. The limit for the study load allowed in the summer semester is two courses and no more than (7) credit hours, and the student may register in three courses and no more than (10) credit hours if he has a cumulative average of no less than (3.4) points. In the last semester, or if this will lead to his graduation at the end of the summer semester, or the following semester if the courses in which the student will register are not likely to be offered in this semester. Third: Students registered for the first university degree (bachelor's degree) are divided into four levels as follows: - First year: 0 - 33 credit hours Second year: 34 - 67 credit hours Third year: 68 - 99 credit hours Fourth year: 100 + credit hours Article (8) The passing grades are calculated according to the total grades obtained by the student in the course on the basis of the following: Grade Grade Write Grade Symbol Value Points Greater than or equal to 95 Super High M + 4.0 Less than 95 and greater than or equal to 90 Excellent M 3.4 Less than 90 and greater than or equal to 85 Very high C C + 3.0 Less than 85 and greater than or equal to 80 Very good C C 2.6 Less than 80 and greater than or equal to 75 Good High C + 2.2 Less than 75 and greater than or equal to 65 good c 1.8 Less than 65 and greater than or equal to 60 Acceptable High for +1.4 Less than 60 and greater than or equal to 50 is acceptable for 1.0 Less than 50 and greater than or equal to 30 Weak z 0.5 Less than 30 and greater than or equal to 0 Very poor Z C 0.1 General Provisions Article (9) 1) If the student’s possibility of graduating from a compulsory course that is not offered in the semester in which he will graduate ceases, or if it is offered and in conflict with another compulsory course, the student may be allowed, upon the approval of the Dean and the department’s recommendation and in coordination with the Department of Admission and Registration, to study another alternative course similar to the substituted course or higher In terms of its level or number of credit hours, it is among the courses offered by its scientific department. 2) If the student’s probability of graduating depends on passing only one course he has previously studied and failed in it three times, then with the approval of the dean and the department’s recommendation and in coordination with the Admission and Registration Department, the student may be allowed in the graduation semester to study an alternative course similar to the substituted course or higher in terms of its level and number of credit hours Among the courses offered by its scientific department. 3) The student shall not be excused for not being aware of these regulations, or for not having seen the bulletins issued by the college or what is published on the notice boards in its various buildings in relation to these regulations. 4) The student is responsible for arranging his academic schedule and studying the previous requirements. 5) The student must obtain a clearance from the college to complete the procedures for graduating or withdrawing from the college. 6) It is not permissible to count a course that the new student has previously studied in another college or higher institute and obtained a scientific qualification from.