Emirates International University



Monday, 08 July, 2024
The College of Dentistry at the Emirates International University organizes a stand in solidarity with the Palestinian people

The College of Dentistry at the Emirates International University organizes a stand in solidarity with the Palestinian people 


 University media 


 This morning, Monday, Muharram 2, 1445 AH, corresponding to July 8, 2025 AD, the College of Dentistry at the Emirates International University organized a solidarity stand with the Palestinian people entitled “With Gaza... Support fronts, steadfastness and jihad.” 


 At the stand held in the dental arena in the presence of the university’s president, Dr. Nasser Hadi Al-Mofari, the university’s vice president, Dr. Ahmed Al-Baadani, the university’s secretary-general, Dr. Fouad Ismail Hanash, and the university’s academics and administrators, the participants chanted slogans expressing the solidarity of the Yemeni people with the Palestinian people and their valiant resistance in Gaza, including “ Oh Gaza, oh Palestine, all Yemenis are with you,” “Gaza, oh heroes of the era... with you, with you until victory,” and they raised the Yemeni and Palestinian flags and the banners of freedom against American and Zionist arrogance. 


 The solidarity activists strongly condemned the crimes of genocide committed against the Palestinian people about two hundred and eighty days ago, which claimed the lives of more than one hundred and fifty thousand martyrs and wounded, with American and Western support and support, exposing the falsity of their false slogans about human rights. 


 The statement issued by the Solidarity Position saluted the legendary steadfastness of the Palestinian people and their heroes, the Mujahideen, who write the most wonderful epics of redemption and heroism and excel in military operations that harm the enemy in the various axes of fighting in the Gaza Strip, affirming the firm and principled position of the Yemeni people, leadership and people, in their support of the Palestinian people and their Mujahideen in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank. The West through escalating military operations, official and popular activities and events, mobilization, boycott, and tireless donations until victory. 


 The statement renewed its condemnation and denunciation of the Israeli enemy's continued commission of brutal genocide and the use of siege and starvation as a weapon to kill the Palestinian people. 


 The statement praised the continuation of the student movement in American and European universities that face a media blackout, repressive measures, and unjust trials, calling on the Arab and Islamic peoples to fulfill their responsibilities towards the brutal crimes occurring in Gaza and to activate the comprehensive economic boycott with the Zionist enemy and its supporters. 


 In this context, the statement praised Hezbollah's qualitative, influential and escalating operations in quantity and quality, the operations of the Iraqi Islamic Resistance, and the joint operations of the Yemeni Armed Forces with the Iraqi Islamic Resistance. 


 The statement stressed the right of our Yemeni people to take what is necessary to confront the American’s diabolical efforts to implicate some countries in the region by opening their airspace to attack our country and to pressure it to stop its operations in support of the Palestinian people. It renewed the mandate for the revolutionary and political leadership to take options in confronting this, as well as confronting what it described as “ The Saudi regime’s involvement “in supporting aggressive measures that harm the interests of our country and our people in the service of the Americans and the Israelis.” 



