Reviewing the final draft of the strategy of the College of Medicine and Health Sciences prior to the strategy launch workshop
Reviewing the final draft of the strategy of the College of Medicine and Health Sciences prior to the strategy launch workshop
University media
The committee in charge of developing the strategy of the College of Medicine and Health Sciences at the university held a meeting chaired by the President of the University, Dr. Najib Al-Kumaim, and in the presence of the members of the committee, to review the final draft of the strategy of the College of Medicine and Health Sciences in preparation for the convening of the strategy launch workshop. The committee reviewed what was prepared for the final workshop in terms of the international references corresponding to the College of Medicine and Health Sciences, as well as the strategic environmental analysis, which was translated by the strategic expert, Dr. Noaman Fairouz, into matrices that discuss strengths, weaknesses, challenges, opportunities, directions, issues and proposed strategic goals, which will be presented in the strategy launch workshop. And based on its 2025 strategy, the university seeks to get the university and its faculties, departments, programs and courses to obtain accreditation to keep pace with the university’s vision and mission and achieve excellence in the university’s outputs at the local and Arab levels.