#know_the_specialty Specialization in human medicine

Specialization in human medicine
Medicine is a science in its own right, which basically means human life, the injuries and diseases that are exposed to it, and how to find appropriate methods of prevention and treatment.
Duration of study specialization: six years and one year internship.
Nature of the fields of study of specialization: The specialized fields of human medicine are very broad, including but not limited to: general surgery, specialty surgery, internal medicine, obstetrics and gynecology, children, skin oncology....
Scientific objectives of the specialization: The educational program at the College of Medicine aims to make the student able to:
• Understand the general structure of the human body and the locations of organs and their spatial relationship to each other.
• Understanding the microscopic structure of the tissues and organs of the human body, including the structure of the cell and the genetic structure.
• Recognize the main functions of the organs of the human body in its normal and pathological state and the adaptations that can occur as a result.
Studying the possible relationship between the human body and its surroundings, and the various interactions, whether natural or pathological, that may occur as a result of that.
• Understand the diseases that can infect humans and the different mechanisms of infection with different disease groups.
• Identifying living and microorganisms and parasites with which humans can coexist or may infect them with diseases.
• Studying the medicines that a person can use in his struggle against disease, the mechanisms of action of these medicines and their uses, as well as the damages that can occur as a result of this use.
• Understand the importance and how to use the various auxiliary diagnostic methods such as radiology and laboratories.
• Studying the practical applications of diseases and their treatment.
• Acquiring the necessary skills and mechanisms to work independently according to the priorities and needs of the community.
• Acquiring the necessary skills for scientific research and development.
Academic and career future: A fully qualified general practitioner to practice general medicine to provide primary care to patients and then complete his postgraduate studies in the specialty in which he finds himself and himself.
Medicine is the lofty profession that carries a purely humanitarian message.