Discussion of the graduation research of the first batch in the Department of Medical Laboratories - College of Medicine and Health Sciences at the university

Discussion of the graduation research of the first batch in the Department of Medical Laboratories - College of Medicine and Health Sciences at the university
University media
The students of the first batch in the Department of Medical Laboratories, College of Medicine and Health Sciences at Emirates International University yesterday discussed the graduation thesis of the first batch, where the research was entitled "The Silent Bacterial Threat: Cellular Mobile for Medical Staff". The discussion committee was formed from Prof. Abdul Baset Al-Ghouri - Head of the Committee - Research Supervisor and Head of the Medical Laboratories Department at the university and Prof. Mokhtar Al-Garafi - Internal Examiner - Head of Clinical Pharmacy Department and 3 Prof. Dr. Taha Al-Nasari - external examiner. Dr. Abdul-Basit Al-Ghouri, head of the department and the main supervisor of the research, explained that this research is the first research in Yemen, which deals with the problem of infection acquired from hospitals by mobile phone and its role in transmitting infection inside and outside hospitals, and the problem of resistance of the causes of this infection to antibiotics, and this is considered the biggest health problem in hospitals in all countries. Countries of the world. The discussion was attended by Prof. Dr. Saleh Al Dhaheri, Dean of the College of Medicine and Health Sciences, Dr. Abdullah Al Azazi, Vice President for Academic Affairs, a number of faculty members and their assistants, and a number of college students. The research was praised by Prof. Dr. Saleh Al Dhaheri, Dean of the College of Medicine and Health Sciences, and Dr. Abdullah Al-Azazi, Vice President for Academic Affairs, thanking the great efforts made by the first batch students in the Medical Laboratories Department of the first batch. Dr. Taha Al-Nasari also praised the excellence of the research and its importance in serving health problems in the community. Yemeni. The degree of excellence was granted for the research due to its health importance in serving the community at the local, regional and international levels. Names of the first batch students of the Medical Laboratory Department: 1- Ilham Abdullah Hassan Al-Shater 2- Laila Ayman Muhammad Al-Bahloli 3- Bushra Ahmed Ahmed Al Razeki 4- Maram Zaid, the antiseptic disinfectant 5- Samah Ahmed Abdel Karim drunk 6- Nesma Masoud Ghaylan Al Alawi 7- Valentina Muhammad Obaid Al-Athori 8- Nora Khalil Muhammad Al-Akhali