Launching the strategy of the College of Medicine and Health Sciences 2025 at Emirates International University

Under the patronage of the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research Launching the strategy of the College of Medicine and Health Sciences 2025 at Emirates International University
University media
The Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Mr. Hussein Hazeb, Chairman of the Academic Accreditation Council, Prof. Ali Al Kaf, and University President Dr. Najeeb Al-Kumaim, inaugurated today, Wednesday, the strategy of the College of Medicine and Health Sciences 2020-2025 at the Emirates International University under the slogan "The Year of Quality and Excellence". At the inauguration, the Minister of Higher Education confirmed that the launch of the strategy comes within the framework of implementing the national vision for building the modern Yemeni state, "the stage of steadfastness and recovery." He pointed out that the university, despite its short life, started taking positive steps towards developing its infrastructure, academic and organizational, according to an advanced scientific methodology. He praised the contributions of the UAE University in supporting and sponsoring the workshop for preparing standards for the special accreditation of medical programs in Yemeni universities in accordance with the requirements of the International Federation of Medical Education. For his part, the Chairman of the Academic Accreditation Council considered the opening of the College of Dentistry and the launch of the strategy of the College of Medicine and Health Sciences a step in the right path to obtaining special accreditation in accordance with the requirements of the International Federation of Medical Education. He pointed out that the ministry issued a decision to start implementing the standards of special accreditation in medical programs in Yemeni universities and is in the process of preparing the executive guide for the approved standards document as an urgent need. In turn, the President of the UAE University explained that the opening of the College of Dentistry comes within the framework of the university’s plans and strategy 2020-2025 AD to develop and modernize and keep pace with global developments and in implementation of the conditions and standards of special accreditation that the university seeks to obtain. In addition, the quality expert at the Academic Accreditation Council, Numan Fayrouz, and Chairman of the Committee for the Preparation of Standards for Special Accreditation, Dean of the College of Medicine at the UAE University, Dr. Saleh Al Dhaheri, reviewed the document of standards for the special accreditation of medical colleges in Yemen, according to the standards of the International Learning Federation. The results of the internal and external strategic environmental analysis of the college were reviewed and discussed by Dr. Ibrahim Al-Shami, while Dr. Sadiq Abdel-Mughni presented the strategic directions of the college, and Dr. Mukhtar Al-Garafi presented the specifications of the graduate according to the "Al-Nars" document, the educational objectives of the college and the intended learning outcomes. The inauguration was attended by the Undersecretaries of the Ministry, the Executive Director of the Information Technology Center, Dr. Fouad Hassan, the Vice-Chairman of the Academic Accreditation Council, Dr. Fadl Ba’alawi, the Chairman of the Supreme Medical Council, Dr. Mujahid Maasar, members of the University’s Board of Trustees, the University Council, its leaders, and elite academics and university cadres. The Minister of Higher Education inaugurated this morning the building of the College of Dentistry. Minister Hazeb, along with the undersecretaries for the educational affairs sector, Dr. Ghaleb Al-Qans, and the scientific research sector, Dr. Sadiq Al-Sharaji, the head of the Council for Academic Accreditation and Quality Assurance, Dr. Ali Al-Kaf, and the director of the Information Technology Center, Dr. Fouad Hassan, briefed on the progress of the equipment Modern and technical departments covered by the college. They heard from the President of the University, Dr. Najeeb Al-Kumaim, and those in charge of the faculty an explanation of the developmental steps taken by the university in providing buildings, infrastructure and modern equipment that comply with international standards and conditions and keep pace with the requirements of the times.