Determining the impact of the corruption perceptions Index on foreign investment in Algeria

using the ARDL model for the period (٢٠٢٢-٢٠٠٣)


  • د. مليكة زغيب
  • د.نعيمة غلاب


Corruption Perceptions Index, Direct Foreign Investment, ARDL


This study aimed at determining the impact of corruption perceptions index
on direct foreign investment in Algeria using autoregressive distributed lag
model ARDL, for both short and long terms, during the period ٢٠٢٢-٢٠٠٣. The
study reached the result that a negative correlation -statistically
significant- occurred between the index of corruption perceptions and the
direct foreign investment on both terms, short and long. The interpretation
of the result yields that rampant corruption phenomenon has led to the
abstention of foreign investors, which subsequently impacted negatively
the flow of foreign investments

Author Biographies

د. مليكة زغيب

جامعة عبد الحميد مهري قسنطينة -٢ الجزائر

د.نعيمة غلاب

جامعة عبد الحميد مهري قسنطينة -٢ الجزائر

