Editorial Team

Advisory body
Prof. Dr. Ali Al-Kaf - Sana’a University (Yemen).
Prof. Dr. Abdullah Abdul Qader Noman - Sana’a University (Yemen).
Prof. Dr. Malika Zogheib - Abdelhamid Mehri University of Constantine (Algeria).
Prof. Dr. Abdul Latif Musleh Muhammad Ayed - University of Science
and technology (Yemen).
Prof. Dr. Bakri Al-Tayeb Musa - University of Science and Culture (Sudan)
Prof. Dr. Amal Al-Mujahid - Dhamar University (Yemen).
Prof. Mukhtar Ghailan - Sana'a University (Yemen).
Prof. Dr. Rashid Allab - University of Jijel (Algeria).

Dr. Nasser Hadi Al-Mofari
managing editor:
Dr. Muhammad Al-Kahali
Editorial Board:
Dean of the Center for Development and Quality Assurance, Prof. Dr. Sharaf Al-Hamdi
Secretary General of the University Dr. Fouad Hanash
Dean of the College of Medicine and Health Sciences, Prof. Dr. Saleh Al Dhaheri
Dean of the College of Dentistry, Prof. Dr. Ibrahim Al-Shami
Dean of the College of Engineering and Information Technology, Dr. Ibrahim Farea
Dean of the College of Administrative and Financial Sciences, Dr. Muhammad Al-Kahali
Head of the Department of Clinical Pharmacy, M.D. Mukhtar Al-Gharafi
Head of the Information Technology Department, Professor Adnan Al-Mutawakel
Head of the Mechatronics Department, Prof. Dr. Radwan Al-Budhaji
Head of the Department of International Business Administration, Prof. Dr. Abdullah Al-Qurashi
Head of the Department of Banking and Financial Sciences
Dr.. Fahmy Al-Daqaf
A/ Muhammad Mughalis, media officer
Ms. Jamila Mahyoub, Head of the Strategic Planning Unit
Designed and directed by:
M/ Ammar Al-Hajjaji